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How it works

The concept is simple, split camelCase and snake_case words before checking them against a list of known words.

  • camelCase -> camel case
  • HTMLInput -> html input
  • srcCode -> src code
  • snake_case_words -> snake case words
  • camel2snake -> camel snake -- (the 2 is ignored)
  • function parseJson(text: string) -> function parse json text string

Special cases

  • Escape characters like \n, \t are removed if the word does not match:
    • \narrow -> narrow - because narrow is a word
    • \ncode -> code - because ncode is not a word.
    • \network -> network - but it might be hiding a spelling error, if \n was an escape character.

Things to note

  • This spellchecker is case insensitive. It will not catch errors like english which should be English.
  • The spellchecker uses dictionaries stored locally. It does not send anything outside your machine.
  • The words in the dictionaries can and do contain errors.
  • There are missing words.
  • Only words longer than 3 characters are checked. "jsj" is ok, while "jsja" is not.
  • All symbols and punctuation are ignored.


See also: Dictionaries and Custom Dictionaries

The dictionaries list allows you to specify dictionaries to use for the file.

// cSpell:dictionaries lorem-ipsum
const companyName = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet';

Note: dictionaries specified with dictionaries will be used for the entire file.