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Language Settings


The Language Settings allow configuration to be based upon the programming language and/or the locale. There are two selector fields: locale and languageId.

  • languageId defines which programming languages to match against. A value of "python,javascript" will match against python and javascript files. To match against ALL programming languages, use "*".
  • locale defines which spoken languages to match against. A value of "en-GB,nl" will match against British English or Dutch. A value of "*" will match all spoken languages.
  • Most configuration values allowed in a cspell.json file can be defined or redefined within the languageSettings.
    "languageSettings": [
// VSCode languageId. i.e. typescript, java, go, cpp, javascript, markdown, latex
// * will match against any file type.
"languageId": "c,cpp",
// Language locale. i.e. en-US, de-AT, or ru. * will match all locales.
// Multiple locales can be specified like: "en, en-US" to match both English and English US.
"locale": "*",
// To exclude patterns, add them to "ignoreRegExpList"
"ignoreRegExpList": [
// List of dictionaries to enable by name in `dictionaryDefinitions`
"dictionaries": ["cpp"],
// Dictionary definitions can also be supplied here. They are only used if "languageId" and "locale" match.
"dictionaryDefinitions": []