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Globs are used extensively by CSpell to determine which files to check and what settings to apply.

Here are some of the places globs are used:

files[]strictThe glob patterns used to search for files to spell check.
ignorePaths[]looseGlob patterns used to exclude files and directories from being checked. ! are only partially supported due to an issue with the Glob library1
overrides[].filenamelooseUsed to apply configuration settings to files whose path matches the glob

Mode - Strict

Strict mode is used to explicitly select files to be checked. It gives more nuanced control over the file search process.


*.mdOnly check the Markdown files in the current directory. It will not scan subdirectories.
*.{md,js} or {*.md,*.js}Only check the Markdown or JavaScript files in the current directory. It will not scan subdirectories.
**/*.mdScan all directories (except hidden ones starting with .) looking for markdown files.
**/{*,.*}/**/*.mdScan all directories including a hidden one looking for markdown files. Does not match *.md in root.
src/**Scan the src directory looking for all non-hidden files.
**Use the --dot option to include hidden directories or files.
**/.*Scan for only hidden files.

Mode - Loose

Loose mode is used to match files that have been found. It is designed to emulate .gitignore rules closely. By default, loose mode matches hidden files and directories.


*.mdWill match against any path containing *.md
node_modulesWill match against any path containing node_modules
/node_modulesMatches against ./node_modules and all contained files. It will not match nested paths like: ./package/node_modules/*
/node_modules/Matches the ./node_modules directory and any files it contains.
/node_modules/**Same as /node_modules/
testMatches any directory or file called test. Equivalent to using both **/test and **/test/**.
**/test/**Similar to test, but only matches paths contained in a test directory.