
CSpell’s behavior can be controlled through a config file.

By default it looks for any of the following files:

  • .cspell.json
  • cspell.json
  • .cSpell.json
  • cSpell.json
  • cspell.config.js
  • cspell.config.cjs
  • cspell.config.json
  • cspell.config.yaml
  • cspell.config.yml
  • cspell.yaml
  • cspell.yml
  • package.json

Or you can specify a path to a config file with the --config <path> argument on the command line.


Example cspell.json file

// cSpell Settings
    // Version of the setting file.  Always 0.2
    "version": "0.2",
    // language - current active spelling language
    "language": "en",
    // words - list of words to be always considered correct
    "words": [
    // flagWords - list of words to be always considered incorrect
    // This is useful for offensive words and common spelling errors.
    // For example "hte" should be "the"
    "flagWords": [

cspell.json sections

  • version - currently always 0.2 - controls how the settings in the configuration file behave.
  • language - this specifies the language locale to use in choosing the general dictionary. For example: "language": "en-GB" tells cspell to use British English instead of US English.
  • words - a list of words to be considered correct.
  • flagWords - a list of words to be always considered incorrect
  • ignoreWords - a list of words to be ignored (even if they are in the flagWords).
  • ignorePaths - a list of globs to specify which files are to be ignored.


    "ignorePaths": ["node_modules/**"]

    will cause cspell to ignore anything in the node_modules directory.

  • maxNumberOfProblems - defaults to 100 per file.
  • minWordLength - defaults to 4 - the minimum length of a word before it is checked.
  • allowCompoundWords - defaults to false; set to true to allow compound words by default.
  • dictionaries - list of the names of the dictionaries to use. See Dictionaries.
  • dictionaryDefinitions - this list defines any custom dictionaries to use. This is how you can include other languages like Spanish.


    "language": "en",
    // Dictionaries "spanish", "ruby", and "corp-terms" will always be checked.
    // Including "spanish" in the list of dictionaries means both Spanish and English
    // words will be considered correct.
    "dictionaries": ["spanish", "ruby", "corp-terms", "fonts"],
    // Define each dictionary:
    //  - Relative paths are relative to the config file.
    //  - URLs will be retrieved via HTTP GET
    "dictionaryDefinitions": [
        { "name": "spanish", "path": "./spanish-words.txt"},
        { "name": "ruby", "path": "./ruby.txt"},
          "name": "corp-terms",
          "path": "https://shared-company-repository/cspell-terms.txt"
  • ignoreRegExpList - list of patterns to be ignored
  • includeRegExpList - (Advanced) limits the text checked to be only that matching the expressions in the list.
  • patterns - this allows you to define named patterns to be used with ignoreRegExpList and includeRegExpList.


    "patterns": [
            "name": "comment-single-line",
            "pattern": "/#.*/g"
            "name": "comment-multi-line",
            "pattern": "/(?:\\/\\*[\\s\\S]*?\\*\\/)/g"
        // You can also combine multiple named patterns into one single named pattern
            "name": "comments",
            "pattern": ["comment-single-line", "comment-multi-line"]
    "ignoreRegExpList": ["comments"]
  • languageSettings - this allow for per programming language configuration settings. See LanguageSettings


It is possible to store CSpell configuration in the package.json file of a project. CSpell looks for the configuration in the cspell field of the .json file.

  "name": "cspell-docs",
  "description": "Documentation for CSpell",
  // ...
  "cspell": {
    "version": "0.2",
    "useGitignore": true

Table of contents