Interface LanguageSetting

interface LanguageSetting {
    allowCompoundWords?: boolean;
    caseSensitive?: boolean;
    description?: string;
    dictionaries?: string[];
    dictionaryDefinitions?: DictionaryDefinition[];
    enabled?: boolean;
    flagWords?: string[];
    id?: string;
    ignoreRegExpList?: RegExpPatternList;
    ignoreWords?: string[];
    includeRegExpList?: RegExpPatternList;
    languageId: MatchingFileType;
    local?: string | string[];
    locale?: string | string[];
    name?: string;
    noSuggestDictionaries?: string[];
    parser?: string;
    patterns?: RegExpPatternDefinition[];
    suggestWords?: string[];
    words?: string[];

Hierarchy (View Summary)


allowCompoundWords?: boolean

True to enable compound word checking.

caseSensitive?: boolean

Determines if words must match case and accent rules.

See Case Sensitivity for more details.

  • false - Case is ignored and accents can be missing on the entire word. Incorrect accents or partially missing accents will be marked as incorrect.
  • true - Case and accents are enforced.
description?: string

Optional description of configuration.

dictionaries?: string[]

Optional list of dictionaries to use. Each entry should match the name of the dictionary.

To remove a dictionary from the list, add ! before the name.

For example, !typescript will turn off the dictionary with the name typescript.

See the Dictionaries and Custom Dictionaries for more details.

dictionaryDefinitions?: DictionaryDefinition[]

Define additional available dictionaries.

For example, you can use the following to add a custom dictionary:

"dictionaryDefinitions": [
{ "name": "custom-words", "path": "./custom-words.txt"}
"dictionaries": ["custom-words"]
enabled?: boolean

Is the spell checker enabled.

flagWords?: string[]

List of words to always be considered incorrect. Words found in flagWords override words.

Format of flagWords

  • single word entry - word
  • with suggestions - word:suggestion or word->suggestion, suggestions


"flagWords": [
"color: colour",
"incase: in case, encase",
id?: string

Optional identifier.

ignoreRegExpList?: RegExpPatternList

List of regular expression patterns or pattern names to exclude from spell checking.

Example: ["href"] - to exclude html href pattern.

Regular expressions use JavaScript regular expression syntax.

Example: to ignore ALL-CAPS words


"ignoreRegExpList": ["/\\b[A-Z]+\\b/g"]


- >-

By default, several patterns are excluded. See Configuration for more details.

While you can create your own patterns, you can also leverage several patterns that are built-in to CSpell.

ignoreWords?: string[]

List of words to be ignored. An ignored word will not show up as an error, even if it is also in the flagWords.

includeRegExpList?: RegExpPatternList

List of regular expression patterns or defined pattern names to match for spell checking.

If this property is defined, only text matching the included patterns will be checked.

While you can create your own patterns, you can also leverage several patterns that are built-in to CSpell.

languageId: MatchingFileType

The language id. Ex: typescript, html, or php. * -- will match all languages.

local?: string | string[]

Deprecated - The locale filter, matches against the language. This can be a comma separated list. * will match all locales.


Use locale instead.

locale?: string | string[]

The locale filter, matches against the language. This can be a comma separated list. * will match all locales.

name?: string

Optional name of configuration.

noSuggestDictionaries?: string[]

Optional list of dictionaries that will not be used for suggestions. Words in these dictionaries are considered correct, but will not be used when making spell correction suggestions.

Note: if a word is suggested by another dictionary, but found in one of these dictionaries, it will be removed from the set of possible suggestions.

parser?: string

Parser to use for the file content


Defines a list of patterns that can be used with the ignoreRegExpList and includeRegExpList options.

For example:

"ignoreRegExpList": ["comments"],
"patterns": [
"name": "comment-single-line",
"pattern": "/#.*​/g"
"name": "comment-multi-line",
"pattern": "/(?:\\/\\*[\\s\\S]*?\\*\\/)/g"
// You can also combine multiple named patterns into one single named pattern
"name": "comments",
"pattern": ["comment-single-line", "comment-multi-line"]
suggestWords?: string[]

A list of suggested replacements for words. Suggested words provide a way to make preferred suggestions on word replacements. To hint at a preferred change, but not to require it.

Format of suggestWords

  • Single suggestion (possible auto fix)
    • word: suggestion
    • word->suggestion
  • Multiple suggestions (not auto fixable)
    • word: first, second, third
    • word->first, second, third
words?: string[]

List of words to be considered correct.